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We offer CIBSE accredited CPD seminars, available face to face or online. Topics include robust lighting, emergency lighting for challenging environments, lighting: the retrofit revolution and sustainable lighting for railway stations of the future.

CPD Seminar – Lighting: The Retrofit Revolution

This CIBSE accredited CPD seminar examines the benefits and challenges of retrofitting luminaires with the latest LED technology. We will explore current opportunities, the case for energy and maintenance, as well as the regulatory framework and CE compliance. We also discuss the risks of VOC’s and poor thermal management when considering LED light sources.

CPD Seminar – Robust Lighting

This CIBSE accredited CPD seminar looks at how challenging environments are illuminated. We examine vandal resistance, adverse weather conditions, product construction, LED lighting, and sustainable product design.

Product standards are explained, including IK (BS EN 62262) and IP (BS EN60529) ratings. We identify the manufacturing processes used to ensure luminaire durability.

Finally, we will look at some challenging applications in detail. We focus on transport, community and public, custodial and secure healthcare.

CPD Seminar – Emergency Lighting For Challenging Environments

This CIBSE accredited CPD seminar looks at why we need emergency lighting and who is responsible for ensuring compliance. We examine specifics including typical applications, system definitions and exit sign requirements. We analyse the pros and cons of different system types and examine changes to BS5266-1:2016.

Best practice tips will be provided regarding battery management and lighting design. The CPD seminar concludes with several case studies. We identify specific emergency lighting requirements in social housing, custodial, secure healthcare and transport applications.

CPD Seminar – Sustainability Lighting For Railway Stations Of The Future

Great British Railways (GBR) will be replacing Network Rail, the UK rail industry is focusing on sustainable lighting for the railway stations of the future.

This CIBSE accredited CPD seminar looks at how this will be achieved through the rail industry’s 4S framework: Sustainability, satisfaction (customer), safety and stewardship. We will look at what GBR considers a sustainable luminaire, the circular economy and sustainable product design. How manufacturers can aid safety measures and improve customer satisfaction will be examined and stewardship measures explained. The CPD will conclude with some rail lighting best practice advice.

To arrange a face to face or virtual CPD please fill in the contact form below.

    You can also connect with us on LinkedIn for ongoing updates.
